Piece Comment

Review of Wolfmother Interview

Did you know Gen X is 40 Years Old?

Thank god someone did this interview. Look, sure, Wolfmother is hardcore alternative. The kind of music us boomers used to call head banger. Sure the NPR PHD Snobs out there are wondering why this is on public radio. Sure the Alternative commercial station in your market plays this band. Well, so have a few non comm AAA stations too. This is the future? OYE

That's because we're old the the 40 year olds with money to give love this stuff.

But back to the piece-It's a good piece, strong artist cuts and the narrator has a quirky, appealing quality. Slow down a bit maybe, would be my only note.

I got the same sense of insightfulness about this band through this piece as I would with other, shall we say, softer sounding bands. I really appreciate that the approach to piece is traditional, even if the subject is not what we think of as public radio.

So all you brave, fearless PDs who claim to want to attract a younger hipper audience---I double dare you to air this piece!