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Review of Hollywood Science

Can Hollywood be harming itself by making science films and not bothering with scientific accuracy? Is the audience coming out of the theatre with a twisted idea about Geology and Astronomy?

The two physicists and film reviewers take on that debate and help point out couple of gigantic mistakes, among many, Hollywood makes in science films. Some premises are downright hilarious! I laughed out loud when I heard clips from 'Armageddon,' and especially the clip from 'The Core'.

In response to the space ship sounds in space; the ones in 2001: A Space Odyssey didn't make sounds in space. Maybe they started adding swooshing sounds to assure people, "No, you've not gone deaf" This makes for the beginning of a new form of movie watching experience. Watch a tragic science movie in the theatres, then watch again to spot the mistakes, learn right science by double checking accuracy, re-watch it on DVD and make it a knee slapper evening with friends.