Piece Comment


My Partner is addicted to the Discovery Channel disaster of the week specials. Floods, Tsunamis, you name it. If' it's death by nature with bad computer graphics and pushes the limits of human integrity, he's on it.

Thank goodness we public radio treatments of this subject matter! This program is a wonderful example of how to weave the human voice of disaster victims into a portrait so rich in color and texture that you'll need the full hour to listen to this show. It's a TSL building show. Air it.

The narrator is serious, yet warm and inviting. This piece attempts to draw comparisons between the 1906 Quake, Katrina and 911. This is it's weakest point really. We have to shift our thinking back and forth and some times the transitions are not quite clear. The majority of the show is about the Quake and I think it would have made a clearer piece if focused on this one only. Or perhaps not use actualities from the other places. It's just a bit confusing....are we telling three stories or trying to compare one to the other? To listeners coming and going from the radio, they will lose their place.

That aside, the editing and recording is wonderful. The use of sound, historical and contemporary, packs a powerful punch.

News stations should use this program either as a stand alone or in conjunction with other programs analyzing disasters and our reactions to them.