Piece Comment

Review of Nick Drake's Fans

Jeez, I really drew the PRX short straw this month...I have to review an independent producer (who lives in my signal area) and his piece on a core WTMD artist! I am afraid to look Jeff up in our membership database. I could be cutting my nose off to spite my Average Pledge!

Look, the producer knows how to tell stories. His credentials are astounding. He has the chops in TV and most of that transfers to radio. But, this piece, like most tributes falls a bit short. It's too much a love fest making it less accessible to the average listener who may not really know Nick Drake very well.

The narration is a bit sleepy, the story (much like a Nick Drake tune), but fails to deliver the emotional impact of his work. The production is a bit poppy and in need of a bit of leveling.

But the story is what really shines here. The thought of doing this crazy thing when you're a bit past your 28th Birthday is so invigorating...so exciting... remember, you don't regret what you do in live, you regret what you don't do. This producer has no reason for regrets!