Piece Comment

Review of Mind Your Metal

"Mind Your Metal" provides the casual listener (and metal newbie) with a basic overview of the genre, and some of the surrounding controversies. The piece opens with an interesting look at metal through generations - even the women at the local Dairy Queen are metal fans, and they fondly recount the music of their youth.
For me, this was the most interesting aspect of the piece. Although "Mind Your Metal" would have benefited from a greater historical context, it deos a great job examining how metal isn't just a craze for "kids these days" but rather something each generation has enjoyed, a point that is driven home well through an interview with one narrator's English teacher, also a devout metal fan. In this interview, common misconceptions about metal are discussed and debunked - it is stated that "metal is what you want to make of it", and after listening to the interview, by far the most interesting segment of the piece, I came away with a newfound respect for this much-maligned genre of music.
The only major change I would make relates to the music in the piece - an original metal song is included at the end in its entirety, and while the song is a great addition to the piece, it would probably be more effective sprinkled throughout.