Piece Comment

Review of Adventures in M.U.K. - The Melbourne Ukulele Kollective

This is a really nice piece. It's just a bit too long for the content.

I really like the voices, nothing like Australian accents to grab a listeners attention. And there is nothing like Ukulele music to add humor to your day.

But once we get past those two elements, where left with a pretty standard piece. We hear about open mic nights, bands keeping the spirit alive and bit of history. There's nothing wrong with that. But we've heard the story before about different instruments. So at 9 mins, I'm just left waiting for the piece to end.

I wouldn't tune away as a listener as the music segments are well spaced to keep attention. But it's not like I'm going to sit in the driveway to listen how the piece ends.

The production is nice, the leveling works to keep the music and voices balanced well. The narration is swift and engaging.