Piece Comment

Review of Dressy Girls

Everyone, at some point, has had to play a balancing game between what they want to wear and how they want to be seen, between comfort and style, and between personal preferences and societal pressures. The girls interviewed in this piece wear revealing clothing for one of two primary reasons--because they like the attention from guys or because they feel more self-confident when they think they look pretty. The similarities the producer surfaces between the girls' opinions about clothes and the ideas presented in the magazine Seventeen provide a very fascinating, almost disturbing insight into the perpetuation of more revealing styles. Furthermore, the juxtaposition of these girls' clothes with the producer's own attire provides conflict which moves the piece forward. To improve this piece, the producer could add transition music and either separate the beginning actualities, or, because the idea of overlapping them is unique and effective, reduce the level on one of the girls.