Piece Comment

Review of Norwegian Wood Deconstructed

Deconstructing songs is something friends and I have done for years so I'm a sucker for this kind of piece.
And it's fun to hear other people do it, whether one agrees with their conclusions or not. Makes me long for the late, great Pop Vultures (still available on PRX?)

Towards the end there is, however, a search for lyrical depth in places where I think there's just an excuse for a cool sitar lick. But that's subjective.

And one technical remark: the fades between music and text are jarringly quick. Perhaps a softer touch in the future?

Overall, this is a solid, short vignette for between larger programs and is equally suitable within a light magazine format.

I always thought Lennon chickened out of having sex and "crawled off to sleep in the bath." and not the other way around as the presenter here suggests. Maybe that says more about me than Lennon.