Piece Comment

Review of Talking 2 Sophia

This perfectly-paced and touching story reminds me how seldom we hear children's voices on the radio. How seldom we really listen to what children say, and think, and feel.

The piece is timely, on this fourth anniversary of September 11. It's been long enough to reflect on how we've changed. How our children have grown. It's been long enough to to be able to relive that morning through the innocent truth-telling of an insightful and articulate two-year-old.

The piece touches on the question of whether children should watch disturbing images on TV. Whether parents should tell their children "parental white lies" to shield them from disturbing reality.

This father doesn't want to tell his daughter those white lies, and he couldn't shield her from the images -- she watched them at a friend's house. So instead, he talks to his daughter. He asks her what she understands about what happened on Sept. 11. He listens to her. She helps him understand. It didn't happen here. "I don't like the story of New York," she says. Neither do any of us. But what this piece reveals is that when bad things happen, one thing we can do is to talk to each other, listen to each other, and try to understand.