Piece Comment

Review of Voting Behind Bars

This piece has an interesting subject about people in jail who vote, those who don’t, and those who don’t care about voting. The piece is nicely put together with a variety of opinions and points of view on the subject of voting; some people care about the economy and rights of the public while others only care about the legalization of marijuana. This piece has no intro or outro, thus making it confusing if you did not know what the subject was about. I would have liked to know more about the people who were interviewed and why they care about the issues they do. Voting Behind Bars moves quickly with short snippets of speech, however some music might have made it more interesting. The person doing the interviewing did not seem to care about what they were doing, interviewing in a dead-pan and uninterested voice. Voting on all levels is a topic that is very current and important, especially in the last two elections; I feel that more care and substance should have been added to help the overall flow of the piece.