Piece Comment

Review of Lost In The Stacks

This is a smart sexy piece about one of the most stimulating places on earth: the library. Surrounded by all those brains on shelves, how could the place not be an aphrodiasiac? Apparently Andre Picher picked up on this fact at an early age. The intimacy of Picher's voice draws in the listener. Having worked in a library for several years, it was interesting to hear the thoughts of one student who had been sent there for punishment. It always bothered me that the library was used as a place for punishment in public schools. My only complaint about the piece -- and it's a tiny one -- is the background music. Too dreamy, almost wet. I imagined jellyfish floating around with that music. But, other than that, this is a great piece with appropriate library background sounds. As Picher points out, the library is a noble place.