Piece Comment

Review of Girlpants

I love it. I was completely perplexed a few months back when I first heard the term "girlpants" used in reference to a teenage boy's fashion choices, and I'm glad to have someone as witty as Katie Zager explain it to me. She maintains a deliciously amused tone as she introduces us to girlpants-wearing boys and the girls who love them, or who don't, as the case may be. Along the way, she very usefully explains some other cutting-edge terms (e.g. "fashioncore"). Her timing is tight and her actualities are nicely chosen. The one thing that surprises me is that these boys don't seem to come in for any homophobic teasing -- or if they do, Katie doesn't mention it. (The first time I heard about the girlpants phenomenon, it was in the context of a gay-bashing.) Nevertheless, this is a delightful peek into one fascinating corner of the teenage world.