Piece Comment

Review of "Where The Ink Sinks In"

Man, this is a really cool sounding piece. I like the music a lot and it comes in at just the right places, and then fades out again when the kids start to talk. I also really like the atmosphere of the piece, with all the slang-n-stuff.

I also like how it talks about how graffiti can be art... most people just see it as vandalism. This piece sort of exposes people to that point of view. On the other hand, I don't think tagging your handle all over stuff is so cool... it was good that this piece stayed pretty much impartial, what with the kid talking about how he is in a way "addicted" to tagging.

One part that I didn't like so much was how that one girl said graffiti saved her life, but then there was no explanation of how! I am pretty curious about that.

Well, yeah, good job. I definitley enjoyed it.