Piece Comment

School's Out for the Summer--oh that's Alice

Ugh, this my month to review friends! I’m in a conundrum: stay true to my responsibility as PRX reviewer or suck up to my friends. I hope I don’t fall off the free beer list.

This is a very interesting piece about two artists with very different solo styles who together to forge a third new sound. It’s a wonderful collaboration. A rocker who get spit on at shows and an Italian acoustic guitarist with a sexy accent sure to be the public radio equivalent of Antonio Banderes.

Ultimately the juxtaposition is not sharp enough. That’s bit of an obtuse statement don’t you think? I guess what I am saying, is I had to listen to this piece several times to confirm my feeling that I was missing something. That I was letting the music and story drift from foreground listening to background listening. I even listened at 10 pm, to duplicate the series traditional airing time.

While a great story and beautifully written, it has that public radio feel that inspired the Saturday Night Live skits. The edges are sanded, not sharp. The narration a bit too calm and steady. I keep forgetting that the one guys is rock and roller who played with Alice Cooper. Sure, the narration and guests comments remind us, but aside from a quick opener, the music isn’t there. I know that would be outside the series traditional sound, but a little School’s Out could have jolted me back to listening more intently.

After all Alice Cooper is widely known to play golf regularly now---even his edges have matured!