Piece Comment

Review of Peppino D'agostino & Stef Burns: Fingerstyle Vs The Fret Bur

The idea of Stef Burns (rock god axeman) and Peppino D'agostino (quiet fingerstyle guitarist) collaborating on an album is something that sounds like it would never work. But from the soundclips displayed in this little mini commercial/interview, "Bayshore Road" is going to be an album worth listening to, whether you're a blues-rock fan or a more traditional fingerstyle aficionado. Musically this album sounds like something of a throwback to the Chet Atkins/Mark Knopfler collaboration "Neck and Neck", which can only be a good thing.

The interview itself touches on some interesting background info on the compositions and the motivations the two players had for getting together in the first place. The interview answers are well blended with the soundclips and the voiceover is never distracting.

Most commercials on the radio are something to be skipped and ignored. This one's an exception. D'agostino and Baker obviously love their music, and it shows.