Series for Paula Kahumbu

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4 Pieces

In case you forgot, it's insects that rule the world. A series of conversations I have had in the field with a butterfly net and Kenyan entomologist Dr Dino Martins

Caption: Soila Sayialel saves elephants , Credit: Soila Sayialel
26 Pieces

"Africa’s Wildest Stories" is a community project that shares true wildlife stories told by people who live or have lived in Africa. Extraordinary stories about Africa's unique wildlife spectacles are told by Maasai warriors,Watha hunter gatherer, a victim of a buffalo attack, a white hunter, scientists, elders, traditional fishermen, honey hunters, Indian settlers, an entomologist....and more. This project not only safeguards these memories in the form of audio and visual stories, but makes them available to anyone anywhere exactly the way they were originally told.