Makele White

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  • Username: Makmwhite
  • PRX Member
  • Role: Producer Group Staff

Recent Pieces from Makele White

Caption: Makele and Her Dad

My Family, Foreclosed. (09:33)
From: City High Radio

When you're a teenager, it's hard to understand how "the economy" has anything to do with your life. But when Makele's dad lost his job and their home was foreclosed on, it ...
Caption: Teenager, Skye, enjoys a good book at a local book store., Credit: Sydney Cisco

What is the Most Influential Book You Have Ever Read? (02:59)
From: City High Radio

In this short and simple vox-pop, high school senior Makele White and sophomore Lauren Washington ask teenagers, "What is the most influential book you ever read?" The ...
Piece image

AWKward...! (01:57)
From: City High Radio

City High School junior Makele asks people, what makes something awkward? What IS awkward? And the answers she gets are, well, kind of awkward.