Comments by Steve Berry

Comment for "Sea Shanties"

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Review of Sea Shanties

How can you not love sea shanties? This piece is fun and light-hearted enough to feed off of the playful coneptions most people have about sea shanties. We want to think about pirate drinking songs. We are aloud to with this piece that is both about sea shanties, but also a small community gathering that centers around singing the shanties. A lot of fun. Where would this fit in? I have no idea. But its fun. Gotta love it. Very upbeat, feel good piece. Just don't know where it would go. Ah, who cares, anywhere. Could even be expanded into an hour piece about the music. I'd still listen.

Comment for "Katie Becomes a Mom"

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Review of Katie Becomes a Mom

This piece is a very intimate with a conversational tone that, due to the subject matter, when coming from a radio speaker can be rather shocking and almost discomforting. Yet the speaker, Katie, gives is utterly honest with her story and this is the most lingering effect of the piece. You have to listen, because it feels that someone is talking to you and not into a microphone.
The piece does not have the legs to stand on its own, but if placed in the appropriate surroundings, perhaps a longer piece highlighting teenage pregnancy and looking for a more dramatic and personal edge behind the statistics to help drive a point home or to take a discussion into the realm of the personal, if showcased appropriately this is an excellent piece.
Heed the advice about the last few seconds.