Oregon Public Broadcasting

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Oregon Public Broadcasting: giving voice to the community, connecting Oregon and its neighbors, illuminating a wider world.


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8 Pieces

The Class of 2025

Caption: Ellen Millender, Reed College Professor, Credit: Michael Clapp, OPB
2 Pieces

Politics 101 BC: A Look at Similarities Between Ancient Politics, and Our Modern Democracy

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Caption: Ellen Millender, Professor of Classics and Humanities at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, Credit: Michael Clapp, OPB
What kind of power did ancient Athenians have over elected officials? Eligible voters screened candidates for several positions before they took th...

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  • Added: Oct 26, 2012
  • Length: 04:11
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Ellen Millender, Professor of Classics and Humanities at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, Credit: Michael Clapp
Waffling. Flip-flopping. We hear a lot about the pros and cons of politicians changing their minds in modern politics. So how long has that debate ...

  • Added: Oct 26, 2012
  • Length: 04:08