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Playlist: Corona Virus: How Emotional Intelligence Can Help

Compiled By: Chuck Wolfe

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Enter the gateway to higher learning

Today's Coronavirus challenge has generated strong feelings of grief, loneliness, anger, depression, frustration and many other negative feelings. At the same time there are strategies for improving how we manage our emotions, and how we can create positive emotions that overcome and replace the negativity that is prevalent in many homes and workplaces. The two shows featured in this playlist can help you and others to be the best possible versions of yourselves in these challenging times. Please share with others so that as many people as possible might benefit!

Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence Emotion Management Strategies

From Chuck Wolfe | Part of the The Emotion Roadmap: Take the Wheel & Control How You Feel series | 53:03

Dr. Marc Brackett, Director of the Yale Center of Emotional Intelligence shares strategies for managing the challenging emotions many people are feeling as a result of the Coronavirus. Marc, a colleague and friend, was kind enough to allow me to edit his webinar to produce it as a podcast so others may benefit.

Yale-university-image-1_small In my show the week before I share strategies for active listening, problem solving, building resilience and managing your self talk to cope with these uncertain times. Marc shares strategies for helping with stress management such as breathing, nutrition, exercise, and he also addresses self talk and his concept of becoming an emotional scientist rather than an emotional judge. Both programs have gotten excellent feedback. Please share with others if you enjoy one or both. And if you like what Marc and I have to say, you may also enjoy listening to my interview with him about his new book, Permission to Feel also on PRX as part of the Emotion Roadmap Series.

Maintain Relationships, Feel Safe and Connected with the Emotion Roadmap

From Chuck Wolfe | Part of the The Emotion Roadmap: Take the Wheel & Control How You Feel series | 53:29

This show is totally devoted to sharing innovative ways to create happiness at home and at work during these difficult times. Negative emotions are flourishing as people are forced to stay inside. We can defeat these negative emotions by focusing on bringing positivity into our homes and offices. Learn how in this one hour show.

B_and_me_small I help people rediscover the importance of active listening, effective problem solving, emotion management, and acceptance, all leading to the ability to adapt and to thrive during periods of uncertainty. Take the time to listen and to share with others how you can remain positive when you are surrounded by doom and gloom, anger and sadness. Take the wheel and control how you feel