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Playlist: To Listen - Stokes

Compiled By: Stephannie Stokes

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Ten Cents a Dance

From With Good Reason | 28:56

During and despite the Great Depression, the entertainment industry was working overtime. Listen to some of the gems and the stories behind them.

Great-depression_soup_line_small During and despite the Great Depression, the entertainment industry was working overtime.  The roughest years in American history produced what many consider the greatest era of popular music.  Elliot Majerczyk looks at the songs that became the soundtrack of the ‘lost generation’ and helped pull America through the hard times. He says that given the state of the economy, we may get to hear more songs like these in the near future.  Also: Historians Nigel Sellars  and Eric Rauchway explain that Roosevelt’s New Deal originally focused on regulation and stimulating the industrial economy.  It was not until 1935 when the Second New Deal began putting millions of people to work that most Americans felt relief from the Great Depression.