Comments for I Don't Call Her Mom

Caption: my mom--one of the only photos I have

Produced by Ashley Sanchez

Other pieces by City High Radio

Summary: Fifteen-year-old Ashley hasn't seen her mom in a long time.

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Review of I Don't Call Her Mom

For any teenager, parent problems are not unknown. But for fifteen-year-old Ashley, the creator of “I Don’t Call Her Mom,” it’s been a struggle her whole life. Ashley was born into a family with homeless parents and a loving grandmother, whose house they moved into soon after Ashley was born. Soon after that, Ashley’s parents where taken to court and her grandmother gained custody over her.
Many children can relate to this, having either deceased parents or parents split up for one reason or another. However, this story is very unique. That, along with its great music and sound quality, is what makes this such a great piece.
The only other thing I wish she would have included is a few words from a relative or her grandmother. But I can understand how that might be a sensitive topic for them to bring up. In the end, I thought this was a wonderful piece that helped me better understand what it might be like to have parents that aren’t in your life anymore, and what it might be like for others in that situation. It’s given me more respect for children in her situation and reminded me of how lucky I am to have parents of my own.

Caption: PRX default User image


I know how hard this must have been for you. Good job.