Comments for Sixty Second Season: Teenagers' Memories of Fall and Winter

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Produced by Curie Youth Radio

Other pieces by Curie Youth Radio

Summary: Funny and touching teenage memories of fall and winter, mixed with seasonal sounds.

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Review of Sixty Second Season: Teenagers' Memories of Fall and Winter

This is a montage piece - all sound and voices, teenagers talking about their memories/ associations with fall and winter. It starts with a boy talking about memories of the football season, and then some halloween memories from a couple of teens, and some Thanksgiving and more halloween/ fall memories. The piece has a nice rhythm, high quality mix. My favorite moment is the end, where a young man is talking about dressing for winter - and his language plays off the sound musically. Would have loved to have that continue - a kind of rap, sound poem, about the seasons.

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Review of Sixty Second Season: Teenagers' Memories of Fall and Winter

This was a nice little piece, and so I have written for it a nice little review! I like what they're trying to do, which is create a sound collage mainly about fall, but I hate to say it... falls... a little short. First off, it's short! I would have sorta liked it to be a little longer. Second, the first guy's story just trails off before he's not even done setting the scene! And the sound clips gathered for the football story are really nice, but there isn't anthing like it for the rest of the piece. It's pretty much solid talking for the rest of the time. But it was a pretty neat listen.