Comments for The Cycle of Cyberbullying

Caption: Self-portrait painted by Thien To

This piece belongs to the series "Students of Violence"

Produced by Thien To, Yowei Shaw, and Philly Youth Radio

Other pieces by Philly Youth Radio

Summary: Twenty-year-old Thien To first learned about cyberbullying in her native Vietnam. The South Philadelphia High junior has since learned about cyberbullying American-style and has discovered a way out.

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Review of "The Cycle of Cyberbullying"

This piece is about cyber-bullying, a problem that’s just become apparent in our current generation. Twenty-year-old Thien, from Vietnam, moved to the U.S. when she was 19. She explains what cyber-bullying is and what we can do to stop it. She also tells us a story about her friend and a few other students from their school who were in a “cyber war” – as agents each other -- and how she helped to break up the fight and stop the cycle of cyber-bullying by deleting the negative comments.
This was an interesting story and well-written, well-made piece. The only thing I really had a problem with was that it was pretty hard to understand because she had a thick accent. All in all, though, this was a great piece with helpful advice that everyone should use try to stop the cycle of cyber-bullying.