Comments for "A Second Wind: Elders Act for Justice" Hubie Jones

Caption: Stories, Credit: Ricky Norris

Produced by Pauline Bartolone

Other pieces by Making Contact

Summary: Many retirees enjoy the rest and relaxation that eluded them during their working years. But for some, retirement means opportunities to affect change in their communities.

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Good Guest and Idea, but wanted More story

From the piece description I was looking for more a more vivid recounting of his experiences. And I hoped to learn a bit more about Hubie's interest in this. Why a children's choir? What challenges did he face? What do the kids learn in rehearsal.

The interview drew me in when Hubie spoke about children spending the night with friends in neighborhoods they might never see otherwise. And, if there more scenes and specific moments like that, I'd totally go for this story. As it was, I just wasn't able to fully see and connect with him and his work in my mind's eye.

I do like hearing about this work, though. And I will continue to listen to other stories in this series and from this producer.