Comments for Coming of age "illegal"

Caption: Brenda, 19, walks through her Minneapolis neighborhood. She's been living as an illegal immigrant in Minnesota since she was 7 years old., Credit: MPR Photo/Jeff Thompson

This piece belongs to the series "MPR News' Youth Series"

Produced by Brenda

Other pieces by MPR News Stations

Summary: When Brenda was 7, she was carried across the border from Mexico. Now 19, the Minneapolis teen wishes she could live and work legally in the country she considers home.

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Review of "Coming of age 'illegal'"

Nineteen-year-old Brenda from Minneapolis, Minnesota considers herself an American citizen, but to the US government she is an illegal immigrant. Coming to the US when she was seven, she was carried over the Mexican-American border by her mother. Now, twelve years later, she lives with her mother, stepfather, sister, little brother, older brother and his son. She had to quit school a month before graduating so she could work to help support her family, but has since gone back to finish her education and wants to go on to get a job working with children.
This was a well-crafted and interesting piece, with great interviews and an inspiring story. The only problem I had was after the mother’s interview; it was a little confusing, but it made more since later on in the story. All in all, though, I found this to be an excellent presentation.