Comments for Garbage Man-Short Version

Piece image

This piece belongs to the series "People Who Work"

Produced by Richard Paul

Other pieces by Richard Paul

Summary: A trashman talks frankly about his life and work

Caption: PRX default User image

Review of Garbage Man-Short Version

Quite nice, this piece and this series. It's a good look at the type of person who is judged only when (s)he does a bad job, or is late or doesn't show up. But this is a real person who ended up in his job in a different way than many of his/her co-workers. You visit a doctor, and you can have a pretty good assumption of what education and training he needed to get there, but what about a "garbageperson"? Or a taxi driver? And why does (s)he continue to do that particular job? I want to know more. Good use of nat.sound as well.

Caption: PRX default User image

Review of Garbage Man

Good idea, well executed. This piece makes us rethink assumptions about what makes a good job. The producer is generous to leave in his question about whether it bothers the garbage man that others have a negative image of the job. It's something the listener really wants to know, but might be afraid to ask. The gentleman's answer is terrific - those health benefits would be worth a lot to most of us!