Comments for Prairie Burn Audio Postcard

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Produced by Mark Brush

Other pieces by The Environment Report

Summary: Audio postcard of burn crew burning a prairie.

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Text Book Audio Postcard

I'm an audio producer and gearing up to do an audio postcard tomorrow. I've done them before, but I thought I'd listen to some ones by other producers to remind me of what makes a good one. This one is so sound-rich and, as Todd said, Mark Brush does a great job prompting his subjects to answer his questions and describe what's happening in a way that he can edit the piece and keep himself out of it. My one note is that I would have loved for this to be recorded in stereo or for panning to have been added to give it more of a 360 degree feel.

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Review of Prairie Burn Audio Postcard

This is one of those stories I wish I had created. Mark Brush of the Great Lakes Radio Consortium successfully produces a story on a controlled prairie burn without narration. This is no easy feat. One has to prod the subject to describe what they are doing, what they are wearing and what things look like. That's tough to do well. After a minute or so of setting the stage, one begins to hear the crisp sounds of fire and the voices of workers squawking over radios. According to a story I read in the Economist the other day, there has been a fourfold increase in the number wildfires in the U.S. Those fires are also burning longer and are more difficult to control. With fires raging throughout the west during another hot, dry summer, this would make an excellent companion piece to --- dare I say it? --- another dry news story on those blazes.

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Review of Prairie Burn Audio Postcard

One can almost feel the heat and smell the smoke as the listener is drawn into this piece. I originally heard it on Day to Day and enjoyed it very much. The people interviewed described their jobs well - the equipment and the clothing that are used are described so well that the listener can see them. I especially liked Catherine's comment that the landscape reminded her of a Dr. Seuss story. Great piece.

Review of Prairie Burn Audio Postcard

Usually when we watch burn crews on television working at a scene, we don't get to hear the sounds. This audio postcard was quite rich in actuality, therefore able to convey the feeling of heat at the location. In addition, we are told the process by which the burn crew attack a fire.