Comments for Finding My Place

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Produced by Judah Leblang and Robert Smyth

Other pieces by Judah Bruce Leblang

Summary: A memoir piece about overcoming depression and finding hope

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Review of Finding My Place

Judah Bruce Leblang is both unselfconscious and without self-pity as he tells of a slice of his life thickened and weighed down by the internal slow-motion that is depression and its echoes. Visiting strange places gives him courage and there?s more than a little detachment in hearing him talk about his own life as if it were being observed from a not quite comfortable distance. His voice adds richness to what would otherwise be an austere description of a life where connections are either unavailable, misunderstood or consciously avoided, leaving us with the image of a man who dismisses his brother?s suburban life while at the same time envying the structure it provides. Operating at its own deliberate pace, the piece is almost antiseptic in its presentation and as such would need to be carefully placed and supported by appropriate programing on either side.