Comments for Kids React to the Tsunami

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Other pieces by UNICEF

Summary: This story is free! - Youth from around the globe contribute to the tsunami relief effort

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Review of Kids React to the Tsunami

I think this should go on the air right now, especially since coverage of the tsunami has dwindled. We hear from teenagers whose instinct in December was 'people need help, so I'm going to help them'. This should serve as an inspiration for all of us, in whatever situation. The kids, from as close to the disaster as Malaysia and as far away as Colombia, got involved in the ways they knew how: raising money, going to clinics, etc. Rusirio in Sri Lanka tells us that people around him are afraid to eat fish because they think they have been eating corpses. The fact that an 18 year old like him has the instinct and the drive to go and help people is heartening for the future of his country, and maybe even for the world. This could be aired as-is, or edited down a bit. All the interviews are telephone sound, and the editing is slightly choppy, but the content is very much worth putting on the air.