Comments for Chasing Love

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Produced by Miguel Macias

Other pieces by Miguel Macias

Summary: A poetic and creative exploration of the notion of romantic love, and the way it drives lives and societies.

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in-love with love...

i loved this audio, a well-done temporal sculpture.

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Review of Chasing Love

Easily one of the best public radio pieces I've ever heard. I remembered this piece from when I first heard it three years ago and sent it to everyone I knew. The producer captures the essence of a fact of so many peoples' lives in a way that gives us each something to relate to, and something new to think about. It is serious without being a downer, and edgy without trying too hard.

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Review of Chasing Love

This fascinating objective approach to modern and historical love is mind-blowing in its structure -- an intermix of "expert" and nonexpert declarations (by not labeling the lay from the pro, Miguel Macias forces us to accept all opinions without discretion, and points out the personal nature of our views on the subject), voiceacted prose and recitations -- and entirely schizophrenic. But that's the idea. As different as our ideas of love may be now, they are similar compared to different thoughts of love over time. Is love expressed? Does it exist? Is it affected by (socio)economic influences? This deeply thoughtful, sometimes sentimental, sometimes caustic, entirely cerebral piece forces listeners to take a step back and think about all these, and form our own opinions.

Review of Chasing Love

I had the good fortune of being one of the first few to listen to this piece when Miguel presented it last year at Brooklyn College. I saw how everyone in the room sat silently the whole hour listening to the piece, smiling, laughing, and sometimes losing themselves in their own thoughts and memories.
Besides being a very polished production, it balances the different voices/personalities so well. It manages to delve into the topic of love from all possible aspects, and the dynamic of the piece is just right without being mushy. Good use of music, and that's important.
Great for broadcast at anytime of the year. Well done!

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Review of Chasing Love

Excellent work. This is one of the best documentaries on any topic. The producer takes chances, and has put together a compelling look at a topic that occupies everyone.

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Review of Chasing Love

What a fresh and interesting piece of radio. It's written and produced with real thought--though I didn't think the word salad interludes were as effective as the declarations that make up most of the piece. And the last part, when we reallyt got to late capitalism and love, is a mind-opener. A perfect late-evening piece.

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Review of Chasing Love

This is an incredible peice! Sexy, thoughtful, spiritual, analytical, anthropomorphic, anecdotal, charming. A wonderful piece with many different tones and rhythms of the vast subject of love, well-explored here. Such a lovely barading of voices, it causes a stirring of thoughts and feelings and memories and dreams within the listener. So neat. A stand alone piece that should be heard this Sunday, February 13, 2005.

A delightful blend of choreographed poetry reading, music, fast-paced and concise interviews, meandering musings, and clairvoyant, sharp-eyed accusations of love.

Whole heartedly recommended.

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Review of Chasing Love

This piece takes a fresh look at romantic love from many side and how it relates to present american society.

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Review of Chasing Love

If you're looking for something quiet but thought-provoking for Valentine's Day, this could be it. The ideas floating around inside are valuable...and context sounds good. The short description makes it sound like the producer is doing some political proselytizing but no, it's not that at all. It sounds more like a young, passionate person coming to grips with some of the deepest needs of people of all ages living in the US today - I personally don't live in the US any longer - and although we all have these needs and such commercialized culture is absolutely global - I still had a poignant sensation focusing on the life I left behind (both because of my age and geography) - and on how important it has been for me to get a view outside of it. So - consider this essay/drama - you need a quiet hour - probably pretty late night, relaxed. This will do nicely.

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Review of Chasing Love

This piece is a beautiful, rambling, experimental collage of voices, stories and music related to the word and concept of love. It is easy to relate to the random voices that come in and out. I did not necessarily leave with a clear sense of the connection to capitalism or that as being a major theme but felt totally engaged with by the format. It could work better for air as excerpts given its length.