Comments for Hiking in Australia

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Produced by Jake Warga

Other pieces by Jake Warga

Summary: A travel writer gets lost in Australia's outback

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Review of Hiking in Australia

This is a great piece, thoughtfully arranged and narrated. The producer provides just the right amount of natural sound, incidental conversation and music to welcome the listener along on the adventure. But he still maintains precisely enough distance to prompt the audience to follow, at least in their minds, curious to discover what happens next.

Review of Hiking in Australia

Just a funny concept from the get-go... a guided group of travel writers go hiking in the Australian outback!?! It references the reality of this likely common but absurd frame. It really captures how hiking is about thinking... or rather "time away." Exploring how travel says more about who we are as Westerners than about the local culture or place we are visiting. I love the grasping/searching for something feel of this piece, it puts me inside the experience. Great piece.