Comments for Grad Student Discos for Dollars

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Produced by Hillary Frank

Other pieces by Hillary Frank

Summary: A grad student at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago pays for his living expenses by disco dancing on the street.

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Review of Grad Student Discos for Dollars

Frank has a knack for ferreting out interesting stories. This one has character, texture, and fun tunes. It's a light, evergreen piece. Gives a good sense of vibe on a Chicago street, and imparts do-it-yourself inspiration.

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Review of Grad Student Discos for Dollars

The dancing is a clever idea. But this is a Sound Money piece, so the revenue element is front and center, and that's what gives this piece its depth. Yeah, the dancing is interesting, and the idea of it is funny, but this kitsch wears thin quickly -- what works is the explanation of why he started dancing, how he first felt about this newfound income, and how his entrepreneurial techniques have made an impression on other grad students. Good stuff.

As an aside: It's funny that he models his moves on Saturday Night Fever -- I don't know anything about dancing, but I've been told John Travolta doesn't know anything about it, either.

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Review of Grad Student Discos for Dollars

Refreshing story of creative minds exploiting their talents no matter where they may ly. A good lite ending piece