Comments for Footing the Bill: Who Pays for Absent Fatherhood?

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Produced by Kameisha Jerae Hodge

Other pieces by WAMU

Summary: Youth-produced piece on growing up in a fatherless household.

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Review of Footing the Bill: Who Pays for the Absent Fatherhood?

Polished, informative and very interesting. This piece was very well produced. I can imagine hearing it on the radio.

The piece is crafted with enough statistics and personal perspectives create well rounded news piece and leaves you wanting to hear more.

I liked how the first thing you hear is the sound of a child before you the narrator starts explaining about the concept of absent fathers. The interviews fit perfectly and were merged into the narrative story without seeming awkward or out of place.

The narrator provided a lot of useful information that personally I knew nothing about. You don't always think about things like this until your presented with the facts and numbers to back them up.

The piece stood on its own. It was well produced and well spoken. If you weren't familiar with this before hearing the piece, you are greatly more knowledgeable now than before.

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Review of Footing the Bill: Who Pays for Absent Fatherhood?

This great piece gives both the facts and the emotional consequences of growing up fatherless. Kameisha gives the listener wonderful insight, starting the piece off with a sweet interview with her younger brother, and evolving to include facts, narration, and further, interesting, engaging, and relevant interviews. Amazingly well put together, and full of really really pertinent information- it was a horror to hear some of the numerical facts. Kameisha gave a voice to the children in this expertly produced piece. The only thing I would include would be perhaps a little music, but otherwise, the flow of the piece, the sound effects, and the content were all spectacular!