Comments for The Little Things: What does it Mean to Be An Environmental Citizen in an Unsustainable Culture?

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Produced by Paige Doughty

Other pieces by Paige Doughty

Summary: Heartbreaking, real and funny: This piece sums up the environmental dilemma of our times.

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Review of The Little Things: What does it Mean to Be An Environmental Citizen in an Unsustainable Culture?

The question that Pagie asks throughout this piece is something I think about a lot.... and probably many listeners out there do, too: How can I live an environmentally responsible life in an environmentally un-responsible world? Through interviews with friends, co-workers and vox pops, Paige Doughty asks this question, and paints a picture of the dilenma people face every day: Do I do what's easy, or do I do what's right? And while I appreciate radio pieces that end with more questions than when it started, this piece (which is very much an essay) could have answered a few more. For example, when the question is asked "why not go off the grid", why not have us meet someone who did go off the grid? Posing these questions to that person would deepen the piece. As for the production... I found the music distracting. I wanted the story to move on. Every time Paige asks a good question, and I want to hear what people have to say about it, but then there's a song, which has a cute reference to what has just been said, but I find it stops the story moving forward. Overall, great start on the radio, but I would like to hear a tightened up version of this piece, with a few more different voices.

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Review of The Little Things: What does it Mean to Be An Environmental Citizen in an Unsustainable Culture?

Paige Doughty's debut is a concise and well thought out piece about the complexities and conflicted emotions of the modern day environmentalist. If you have ever experienced guilt about your personal environmental practices or lack of them, this piece will strike a chord. Interviews with people at different stages in their environmental development offer glimpses of recognition, justification and hope for those of us trying to find our way. Carefully chosen music complements the entire arrangement. Paige asks a tough question, and offers no easy answers. Ultimately she leads us to reflect on our own environmental impact, and to ask ourselves what more we can do.