Comments for The Cigarette Bath

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Produced by Emily LaFond

Other pieces by Blunt Youth Radio Project

Summary: Emily and her cousin Sarah come up with a novel scheme to save her grandfather from his smoking habit. Rather than being rewarded, their efforts land them in big trouble.

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Review of "The Cigarette Bath"

This excellent six-minute piece, created by Emily Lafond, describes how cigarettes have affected her life. In it she tells two short stories about her encounters with cigarettes and describes her feelings towards them and actions that resulted.
The first story is about how her and her cousin, Sarah, try to tell her grandfather that smoking is bad by dumping his cigarettes into their bathtub and refilling the cigarette containers with rolled up sticky-notes with “no smoking” signs on them. One Sarah wrote read “smoke a chocolate cigar instead,” but Emily ripped it up because Sarah stole the idea from her. The second is about when her friend, Erin, offers her the last of the cigarette she had been smoking. She takes it, then smoking the last of it, she puts it out with her foot but then proceeds to tell her friend, “Smoke a chocolate cigar instead”.
This wonderfully interesting and well-made piece is probably one of the best I’ve heard. It’s story-telling style, along with its well-thought-out writing and detailed descriptions, reads like page-turning novel, plus the inclusion of the chocolate cigar in both stories really helped to join the stories together and bring the whole piece into perspective. Over all, I found it to be quite an enjoyable piece.

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Review of The Cigarette Bath

Cigarettes, such a small thing, that can kill you. Emily LaFond tells a story about her family and smoking and how the mistakes of adults can easily become the mistakes of their children. This fictional story is very discriptive and written from the point of veiw of a an impressionable girl. Enjoy!