Comments for Part 4: What Are Kids Learning?

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This piece belongs to the series "Daily Lessons: Inside Western Guilford High School"

Produced by Emily Hanford, Deborah George, Alison Jones, Ben Shapiro

Other pieces by WUNC

Summary: Do you remember what you learned in high school? Much of what is taught stays the same, year after year, from generation to generation. Homer's Odyssey for example, or Algebra. But a lot changes, too. As part of our series ?Daily Lessons: Inside Western Guilford High School" we wanted to know what students are learning these days. So we spent some time in class. Emily Hanford reports.

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Review of Part 4: What Are Kids Learning?

First of all, I love "Macbeth" and "The Great Gatsby," so you had me from the beginning. This piece is exquisite! The rich sound blew my mind. An excellent job was done of catching the students and teachers in their natural element. This was a great analysis on the way teaching is going these days and what kids are learning. It's quite interesting because I see some of the same things described in the story about teachers and classes, even in college. It's defintely important to have a teacher that can effectively communicate. I plan to listen to the whole series and I would very much like to hear pieces like this on the radio.