Comments for Revelation and Reality: A Quest for Family Heritage

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Produced by Katie Bausler

Other pieces by Katie Bausler

Summary: A quest for family heritage on Prince Edward Island turns up unexpected results and revelations.

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Review of Revelation and Reality: A Quest for Family Heritage

Katie Bausler's first person essay on a surprisingly simple search for her family?s roots on Prince Edward Island, known for "exporting priests and potatoes," speaks to that part of all Americans that wants to stop, turn and look back at where we came from in the hope of understanding how we ended up where we are. These journeys, always hampered by expectation, are never what we think they'll be and Bausler is left with the belief that immigration is a one way road, that there is no returning, except as a tourist. But that forward motion, that ability to leave everything behind and never return, is part of the immigrant DNA that bonds us all. Produced in an uncluttered, clear and conversational tone, the piece would function well in any magazine format. It's length might be more suited to a weekend setting.