Comments for Personals

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Produced by Casey Brackett

Other pieces by Blunt Youth Radio Project

Summary: Casey Brackett takes a tour through the personals section of a local newspaper.

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Review of Personals

This piece is very amusing because it makes most people seem that they are desperate for love and the tend to look in the worg place all the time. But hey its their way of finding different mates that are compatible with them. Hopefully them don't find some who is a perveted freak online or thourght the phone

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Review of Personals

I love this piece starting with the first note of the organ from the Doors song “Light My Fire.” The narrator (Casey Brackett) starts off by saying a whim to look through the personals ads in her local newspaper leads to the creation of the piece. Brackett is very sarcastic throughout the piece about the different people who have personal ads, which leads to a whimsical and funny piece. She calls up some of the personal ad authors and records their voice mail. A computer voice reads out the facts, including age and astrological sign; this computer’s voice is very sensual. I wonder if the computer has a personal ad, too? Some people on the personal ads page you want to know, and some should just be avoided like the plague. All in all, it is the oldest story in the world, of people lookin’ for love.

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Review of Personals

If nothing else, this piece is worth a listen because of the Episcopalian and Sunny Delight. (That would be a story right there . . . what if the Episcopalian and Sunny Delight were to hook up?) The voice mail personals were interesting to listen to, but the piece needs more narration from Casey to bring it all together. Catchy intro music.

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Review of Personals

First, there is a second or so of audio at the beginning of this piece, just before the music starts, that shouldn't be there; and also this listener is a little confused (and pedantic I guess) as the intro talks about 2 upcoming personal ads, and then 3 follow. That being said this piece comprises too much of the ads (from a few lonely people whose only sin is trying to find a date), with not enough input from the narrator, even though the latter is a tad judgmental, in my humble opinion.

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SWF seeks good radio

Is it legal to tape these voicemail personals?

This reminds me of giggling over the alt-weekly personals with my girlfriends. The narrator is sorta mean, she's saying the things we're thinking tho, so it's funny. Love the Episcopalian...