
Here's your guide to common PRX terms.


Each person who has signed up on PRX has an account.


You can upload audio to PRX and attach it to a piece.


An essential ingredient of PRX is peer review — any member of PRX can listen to, comment on, and rate any piece on the site. More...


When you upload audio to PRX using the Uploader, it is stored in your dropbox until you attach it to a piece. Your dropbox is available under My PRX.


The Encoder is our tool that turns your WAV or AIFF file into a broadcast-quality MP2 so that it can be uploaded to PRX. More...

Editors' Picks

Editors' Picks are our curated selections of pieces on a particular subject. It's one way the PRX editorial staff makes it easier for you to find the good stuff. More...

Generation PRX

Generation PRX is a project of PRX to support, connect and distribute youth-produced radio. More...


Stations and outside purchasers can license (buy) pieces off of PRX. Each piece has license terms set by the producer(s) that stations/purchasers must follow — e.g., not excerpting without permission. We are using the term "buy" instead of "license" on PRX 3.0, but you still may see license some places as we make the transition.


PRX account-holders who have paid for memberships are called "members." Members who publish pieces on PRX and sell pieces will receive royalties.

Member Tools

Our free tools are the Encoder and Uploader.

Outside Purchaser

Public and noncommercial radio stations in the United States remain the primary users of pieces on PRX, but we have started adding "outside purchasers" — national shows, podcasts, Internet radio, and other organizations who come to PRX and want access to the wonderful work on the site. More...


A piece is the whole package: your audio, plus all the information associated with it. You upload the audio to our site, then fill out the title, producers, tones, topics, price, etc. and voila, you've got a piece.


Playlists are a way for you to list and share collections of PRX pieces that you really like or want to recommend. Say you create a playlist called "Pieces About the Beatles." Then, when you go to any piece page you will see the option to add that piece to your playlist. You can create as many playlists as you like.

If you work at a station or you want to assemble a list of pieces just to play all at once, this is a simple method of curating selections and categorizing them, then playing them in order.


Points are currency in the PRX economy. Member stations are given a number of points to spend on pieces, and member producers and stations earn points when their pieces are licensed. More...


Your portfolio is a special playlist that showcases your best work on your PRX profile. You can have an unlimited number of works in your portfolio, but only six will appear in the scrollable portfolio window on your profile at a time. This is so you can take turns highlighting your best work. More...


Paid members who sell pieces will receive royalties. Royalties are determined by multiplying the number of points earned (based on the length of the piece) by the value of each point. The value of each point is determined by the size of the PRX member station licensing the piece (each station's PRX membership is figured on a sliding scale). Thus, the larger the overall station membership, the higher the royalty for the producer.


The PRX Uploader is a drag-and-drop FTP application. After you encode your audio to MP2, you can upload it using the Uploader or can upload through the browser. More...