Piece Comment

Review of The Journey of Lady Buddha

This one-hour audio journey begins with the sound of a typhoon before the central figure's voice emerges, soft and close to the microphone. Her personal story is soon intermingled with the voice of her mother speaking and later some radio theater storytelling techniques are employed in very small doses and to great effect, with an ethereal Asian voice punctuating several key moments. But always, the story is anchored by the intimate voice of the narrator.

This is a personal journey told in a highly effect and engaging way. It is documentary that is not afraid to stray from the straight-forward.

As one who is trying to learn and practice the Buddhist traditions, I was riveted to this hour. But even the uninitiated will find "The Journey of Lady Buddha" a fascinating one.

Dmae Roberts is always an amazement to me. A documentarian with a true ear for the beauty of aural storytelling is a rare thing.