Piece Comment

Review of Teen Pregnancy... is this right?

"Why are teenage girls becoming pregnant?"

Teenage girls are becoming pregnant today for the same reason teenage girls were becoming pregnant 400 years ago.

In listening to this piece you will be pleased to hear several of the young people being interviewed mention fiscal responsibility --- money. Easy to say into a microphone in the bright of day, but at least as long as the sun is shinging they're aware of the attendant ramifications.

Any adult can understand that when youngsters have paid off one or two graduate degrees and a home, and have seen all of Europe, Asia and Africa that they want to see, they might then consider saddling themselves with the fiscal and social responsibility that comes with raising a child.

Never having got that far myself, I envy those who have.

For years my greeting to new parents has been, "Congratulations for being able to afford this wonderful child."

It is not until one is over 50 or 60 and has seen the children and grandchildren of one's contemporaries in jail or on drugs, that one gives thanks that while in high school one was a very homely boy with bad breath.

The humble Farmer