Piece Comment

Review of The Birthday of The World Part I, Rosh Hashanah

I tend to like informative, informational programming and this piece was not only very informative but the content appealed to me because I celebrate the day which this hour presentation honors.

The presentation of this program was done in a way that I believe others who do not celebrate or worship on this day would also appreciate. I would like to hear aired each year on Rosh Hashanah or even some time during the week before.

And, I would say that it should be considered for airing in every public radio domain so that people of no or other religious beliefs can become cognizant with what God initially and originally instituted as days of annual worship. He gave this day and others to us through a people He called a peculiar and particular treasure to Himself. God does, nonetheless, explain how we have often fallen very short of the special calling, and yet Christ Himself still said while here on earth that ''Salvation IS of the Jews'' -- it being necessary as shown in Romans 11 that Gentiles, pictured as a wild olive tree, must be graffed into the Root and fatness of THE olive tree of CHRIST, called ''the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David'' in Revelation 5:5 -- the return of Whom and of His Kingdom being set up is pictured by this day -- in the depth of what this day means.


PS: In personal celebration of this day, I have to tell you that although I have never solely practiced the Jewish religion -- and did not know until very recently that my mother, who died in 2004, may have Jewish ancestry through a Duke of Kent going back to King David -- I have nonetheless celebrated and worshiped our Creator on this day for some thirty+plus years -- as (what some might call) a ''Jewish-Christian.''