Piece Comment

Review of Video Game Violence

Having played video games myself since youth, I wanted to know what a fellow teenager would have to say on the subject of violence in video games and how it affects those who play them.

I was excited before hearing it, but it quickly diminished once I actually started listening to the piece. I was largely confused to what his actual point was. Was he supporting video games? The only clue to that was that he himself admitted to playing them. Put simply, I had no idea where he was coming from.

Then there was his voice; he has a great voice for radio, but the entire time it sounded scripted, and he stumbled over many of his words. I thought that the piece would have been far more powerful if only he had edited out and re-said a few of those sentences.

I think that this piece is a great idea, and I'm all for a story about video games, but it just seemed.... lacking.... It's not too bad of a radio story, it just needs a more professional suit.