Piece Comment

Review of Human Costs of Prescription Drugs

In "Human Costs of Prescription Drugs", a girl shares her story of what effects abuse of prescription drugs can have on people.

Drugs are more abused now than ever before. She knows this, and tells the public, through the story of what she herself experienced. About how, after she came back from college to her hometown, (in a sense) she didn't even know her old friends anymore. Most of them had turned to drug abuse, and were wrecking their lives because of it.

I felt very empathetic towards her, because I know how it feels to have a good friend drastically change on you. In her case, it was many a friend to so quickly become someone completely different.

I also felt that this piece had a very strong presentation. The producer spoke in a very southern accent, and it really gave you a feel for what sort of person she is, and where she's coming from. She also talked in a way that seemed like you were right there in the room with her, rather than just listening to her story.