Piece Comment

Review of Bill Moyers on Media Reform 2007

endured this whole hour and learned absolutely nothing. if you've heard Moyers wave his nebulous media reform flag before, you've likely heard every second of this speech, probably several times. hard to believe the hour was so content-free, so unaccompanied by facts and info, and so full of take-back-the-media, it's-up-to-us, preaching-to-choir platitudes (some combo of Dr Phil's & Ronald Reagan's rhetorical techniques).

sure, this former LBJ press secretary can turn a phrase, but Bill, tell us something we don't know, something new. he spouted the same tired ol' media ownership stats -- surprise: media is a biz. and sure, he's right for the most part; but he's become a bit of a bore, a broken record. (ok, one factoid was interesting: USA investment in pubbroadcasting is $1.50 per capita; other countries invest $28-$85 -- tho i'm guessing, unless their pubcasters are exceptional, there's some pretty pissed off capitas in that country charging $85 per.)