Piece Comment

Review of Skywalkers of Akwesane

Mohawk Indian culture at work in the big city. A sound-rich documentary about people whose roots are in the earth, working hundreds of feet in the air.

An interesting view of how a native culture adapted and made a unique contribution to modern society. An insight into the personalities and motivation of those who chose to risk their lives for the thrill and high pay of steelworking.

Interesting, sound-rich piece. Well recorded and narrated. Production values live up to the best of public radio.

Early in the piece I felt it could use better setup, putting the piece into context. As with most good documentary work, it built steam and drew me in as I stayed with the story.

Not for background listening. Take a half hour and enjoy a glimpse of a world most of us will never experience!

This would be a good special for Labor Day but useable any time, especially for stations that serve major cities.