Piece Comment

Review of Graduation Story

Graduation is supposed to be the optimistic time of our lives and this piece decides to skewer not only graduation but the way public radio creates overly emotionally pieces about life's transitions.

It's a bit expository, talking about the elements needed to emotionally connect with the listeners. Of course, this never happens for two reasons, the point of the piece is to be a bit of satire, and the subject isn't really telling her story from the heart. She acting, perhaps reality based, but still contrived.

People listen to the radio to feel better about themselves, to be entertained. And most importantly, not to be lonely or be made fun of themselves.

This piece seems to aspire to This American Life irony, but falls short. It's really just a bit snide...and snide doesn't help a radio station biuld TSL.

It is well produced and technically good. There are few leveling issues, but nothing that would prevent me from airing it if I were interested in putting a little cynicism on the air.