Piece Comment

Review of Culture of the Mind

This piece concerns a very interesting topic: mental health in the US and how health care professionals are grappling with well-established practices that do not necessarily transcend cultural differences and, thus, meet the needs of their diverse patients All of the right notes were hit in the narration in discussing the troubles emerging because of linguistic differences between patients and health care providers, the real lack of cross-cultural understanding, the need for greater diversity training, and the real differences in experience vis-a-vis prejudice and racism. Yet, for all the topics covered by the piece, it lacked a depth of analysis and passion that would have given it a needed sense of urgency, a reason for being written and produced at this time in history. Perhpas, focusing in on the SF General's program itself and the real struggles occuring in the unit would have better illustrated the powerful tensions in our society being explored by cultural psychologists than did the string of little vignettes pieced together.